When Times Are Dry: Important Water Saving Tips.
At the time of writing this article, the Town of Yarmouth and surrounding areas were not in a drought situation. But things can change quickly as it has slowly become drier through the summer months.
With less rain comes lower water levels at the Lake George watershed, which means it’s important that we all be mindful of how much water we use on a daily basis. The Town of Yarmouth Water Utility is asking customers to PLEASE conserve water wherever possible.
Here are some tips:
• Please skip the watering of lawns. Whenever possible, use large containers to catch rainwater for plants and flowers requiring water.
• Fix leaky faucets, toilets, appliances, and sprinklers.
• Take shorter showers, and use a low flow shower head.
• Turn off the water when shaving or brushing your teeth.
• Use less water when doing laundry by using proper cycle settings for load sizes.
Thanks for doing your part to help conserve water!
Notice of Public Consultations: Municipal Boundary Review
As part of the Municipal Boundary Review process, each municipal council in the province is required to conduct a study every 8 years of the number and boundaries of polling districts in the municipality, their fairness and reasonableness, and the number of councillors. The last review was carried out in 2014, and the Town of Yarmouth is now required to conduct a new Municipal Boundary Review.
As part of the public engagement process, we conducted a survey earlier this month. Thank you to all who participated, your input is appreciated! For part two of our public engagement process, we are hosting two public consultation sessions to share the survey results, receive more of your feedback, and answer any questions you may have about the boundary review. Please join us On Thursday, October 13th in council chambers at Yarmouth Town Hall, 400 Main Street. There are two times to choose from: 12 pm – 1 pm OR 5 pm - 6:30 pm. See you then!
Monthly FYIs for July & August
Upcoming Council Meetings
You can watch meetings live on Eastlink Community TV or through our website at www.townofyarmouth.ca/ agenda-and-minutes-livestream.html
o Regular Town Council Meeting Thursday, September 8th, 6:30 pm
o Committee of the Whole Council Meeting Thursday, September 22nd, 3:30 pm
Strategic Priorities: Take the Survey!
The Planning and Economic Development department of the Town of Yarmouth wants to hear from community members. We want to know what you see for the future of Yarmouth and your priorities. Your input helps us make key planning decisions by focusing on what's most important to residents. Please check out the link below to fill out a short survey. The survey closes Friday, September 9, so don't wait. Give us your priorities today! Take the survey at: www.getinvolvedyarmouth.ca/strategic-priorities
Dark Sky Policy: Seeking Input
We would like your input on a potential new Dark Sky policy for the Town of Yarmouth. The purpose of the policy is to reduce the harmful effects of light pollution, and to preserve the Dark Sky our region has become known for.
Check out our Get Involved Yarmouth site to learn more about the policy and light pollution. You can also answer our quick poll and submit your ideas! Learn more at: www.getinvolvedyarmouth.ca/dark-sky-policy-draft
Seeking Volunteers for the Lake George Watershed Management Committee
If you are a customer of the Yarmouth Water Utility, please consider volunteering to be a member of the Lake George Watershed Management Committee. We are currently looking for two or three citizens who are passionate about serving their community, and who have an interest in helping guide decisions around our important water source. To apply, please email tony.morris@townofyarmouth.ca with your name, phone number, address, and a brief explanation of why you'd like to join this Committee.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Fireworks Restrictions Within the Town of Yarmouth
The town’s Noise Bylaw restricts the use of consumer fireworks within the town. The idea is to eliminate the use of fireworks on random days that are not specific holidays or religious holidays. Please note that fireworks are no longer permitted within town limits, except on recognized religious holidays, Canada Day, New Year's Eve, Natal Day, and the Seafest Parade of Lights. You can view the full Noise Bylaw at: townofyarmouth.ca/town-hall/by-laws.html
Please also remember that fireworks are not permitted during provincial burn bans. The reasons for this are obvious, so please check before burning or using fireworks at https://novascotia.ca/burnsafe/
Employment Opportunities
The Town of Yarmouth is seeking to fill the following positions:
Grants Coordinator
Reporting to the Town Engineer, the Grants Coordinator will be responsible for researching, preparing, submitting and managing grant applications to secure funding on behalf of the organization.
Transit Drivers (Casual)
We are seeking to fill casual bus driver positions. Applications should include a copy of your Class 4 license, Drivers Abstract, Criminal Record Check. You will be required to submit a Vulnerable Sector Check if successful in the interview process.
Water Treatment Plant Operator
This role involves water treatment facility operational duties, as well as duties related to the monitoring of the water quality, in the facility, in the distribution system, and in the watershed, as assigned by the Chief Operator.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator
This position involves wastewater treatment facility operational duties related to the safe and efficient operation of the Yarmouth Wastewater Treatment Plant.
For full details on these positions and to apply, visit: www.townofyarmouth.ca/news-notices/employment-opportunities/