Water is at the heart of all life, especially for a town on the edge of the sea. The history of Yarmouth’s water utility dates back to 1879 with the creation of the Yarmouth Water Company. To learn more about the water utility, including its history and the Lake George Watershed, check out Water Utility. On this page, we'll cover the utility's services and regulations.
Water Emergency Service
If you have an after-hours emergency, for example, a water leak in your basement and you need your service shut off at the property line, please call 1-833-460-8709, and your information will be directed to the appropriate department. An after-hours service fee to disconnect water will apply.
Requesting Water Service Connection or Disconnection
For water service connection, you will need to sign a contract (see PDF below). To connect or disconnect to the Town's water service, contact:
Yarmouth Water Utility Billing
400 Main St.
Yarmouth, NS
B5A 1G2
Phone: (902) 742-2521 ext. 226
Fax: (902) 742-6244
Final Readings
Moving to another residence? Be sure to request a final reading on your water service! You can contact:
Yarmouth Water Utility Billing
400 Main St.
Yarmouth, NS
B5A 1G2
Phone: (902) 742-2521 ext. 226
Fax: (902)742-6244
Water Rates & Fees
The Yarmouth Water Utility rates and fees are approved by the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (see PDF below). Please refer to Taxes and Utilities for current rates and Town Fees for current fees.
Water Regulations
Yarmouth’s water regulations are designed to make sure that everyone gets fair and proper access to the water utility and to prevent abuse of the system. They include clear guidelines and standards for you to follow. You can get a downloadable copy of the regulations below.
Watershed Regulations for Lake George are currently under review, please contact the Town of Yarmouth Engineering Department at (902) 742-2521 Ext. 235 for pending changes.
- pdf Yarmouth Water Utility Service Contract (225 KB)
- pdf Lake George Protected Water Area Designation and Regulations (1.77 MB)
- pdf Nova Scotia Utility & Review Board Schedule of Rates and Charges (1.17 MB) (April 1, 2017)
Water Testing
The Town of Yarmouth Water Utility delivers high-quality water to all customers connected to the distribution system. We ensure that quality by using a robust quality sampling program. Our water is regularly tested by an independent lab to ensure it meets Canadian drinking water quality standards. To learn more, go to water testing.
Bulk Water Facility
The Town of Yarmouth Water Utility operates a bulk water facility to serve residents of Yarmouth County. For more information go to Bulk Water Station.