The Road and Sidewalk Division of Operational Services takes care of the maintenance and improvement of Yarmouth's streets, sidewalks, and curbs. We're responsible for covering:
- Street cleaning and maintenance
- Sidewalk cleaning and maintenance
- Roadside cleaning and maintenance
- Sewer cleaning and maintenance
- Storm drainage maintenance
- Snow and ice removal
- Street & traffic sign maintenance
Street and Sidewalk Maintenance
Our street maintenance routine includes a scheduled route by the street cleaner, repaving of roads, patching cracks, ruts and potholes, and patching cuts from utility work. Supervisory staff of the Operational Services Department identifies areas to be repaired, and all patching/paving work is contracted out by tender. (For the latest on this process, check out our Tenders & Proposals updates.)
Our annual sidewalk inspection program is carried out by supervisory staff, which identifies areas of the sidewalk that need to be repaired or replaced. We look for areas such as hazardous sections of the sidewalk, broken curbs, places where asphalt sidewalks need to be replaced, and replaces sidewalks and curbs that were cut for utility work. All repair and replacement work on sidewalks and curbs are contracted out by tender. Three days a week, the Madvac cleans debris and garbage from the sidewalks.
Roadside maintenance keeps the gravel shoulder maintained. Roadside areas are mowed and cleaned by the town staff, and roadside ditching is also performed as needed. This maintenance is done to remove debris, gravel, etc. to ensure the proper flow of stormwater.
Water and Sewer Maintenance
Operational Services also maintains the sewage collection system, which includes our sewer drainage network. A yearly flushing, cleaning, and video inspection program is performed on the sewer line as part of regular maintenance. This yearly program is contracted out by tender.
The semi-annual flushing program in April and October, along with maintenance and repair, keeps our water main operating smoothly. Operational Services is responsible for the water mains that begin in Lake George and end in town. The in-town distribution system receives clean water from these water mains and also requires maintenance and repair. This distribution system provides clean, safe drinking water to every home and business in the Town of Yarmouth, plus some homes and businesses in Yarmouth County. To ensure the hydrants are readily available and in working order for the Fire Department, we also perform spring and fall inspections and maintenance.
Storm drainage maintenance is done by inspecting and cleaning the catchbasins and replacing them as needed. The storm drainage system is cleaned, inspected, and maintained on a regular basis.
Your Responsibilities
While Operational Services removes snow from sidewalks and streets and helps to control the build-up of ice, fighting the onslaught of winter is a shared responsibility. Learn more about your responsibilities on Snow Removal, or see the pdf Streets and Sidewalks By-law (174 KB) .
See a Problem?
Please giPlease give us a call or report a problem. We appreciate your help.
Public Works emergencies - 1-833-460-8709
Office: 902-742-9423
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m
Fire Department
Office: 902-742-3147
After 4:30 pm Monday - Friday