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The Town of Yarmouth has added a French translation of its tagline in recognition of deep Acadian roots

Town BillingualWednesday, November 25th, 2020 - Yarmouth, N.S. – The Town of Yarmouth has made an important change to its branding. A French translation of the tagline “On the Edge of Everywhere” has been added to the current logo in recognition of Yarmouth’s Acadian roots. The new logo now features the translation "Partout à partir d'ici" (PARTOUT À PARTIR D'ICI) as the translated tagline.

The literal translation of this new phrase means: "Everywhere starts here". While the town initially started with a more literal translation “Au bord de partout”, guidance received from local translator André Muise of WordBridge Language Services steered the translation in a different direction.

“When it comes to French translations of this nature, it’s important to consider factors like alliteration and how well the phrase rolls off the tongue,” Muise offered. “The chosen phrase is an optimistic translation that reflects the positive connotations offered by the original English tagline. A number of possibilities were considered as well, but "Partout à partir d'ici" stood out as the clear choice.”

“Adding French to our brand serves to offer recognition of our Acadian population within the Town of Yarmouth and the entire region,” said Mayor Pam Mood. “Also, in 2024, the Congrès Mondial Acadien will be hosted by our neighbours in Argyle and Clare as part of the very exciting “#Clargyle2024” event. Thousands of Acadians and tourists from all over the world will travel to the region. We hope this change to our brand is well-received as a welcoming gesture and lets them know that we are proud of our Acadian community.”

The revised logo will gradually replace current versions with the English-only tagline on signage, marketing materials, and other items.

Requests for updated branding guidelines and working logo files can be directed to:

Mike Carter
Communications Coordinator
Town of Yarmouth
Office: (902) 742-2521
Mobile: (902) 746-3167