A Public Hearing will be held on Thursday, July 11th, 2024 at 6:30 pm in Council chambers, located at 400 Main Street.
Members of the public can attend and speak at the hearing, or hand in written submissions. Written submissions can be emailed to admin@townofyarmouth.ca, or delivered to town hall, and must be received by 12 pm (noon) on July 8th, 2024.
What is the Hearing About?
This Public Hearing will address two separate items as follows:
1. Proposed Development Agreement for 468 Main Street
The owner of 468 Main Street (PID# 90195967) applied to enter into a Development Agreement to accommodate three (3) short-term rental units within a mixed-use building located at 468 Main Street. Council has approved to move forward with a Public Hearing prior to consideration of entering into the requested Development Agreement with the landowner.
2. Proposed Development Agreement and Associated Amendments to the Land Use By-law and the Municipal Planning Strategy for 5 Adelaide Street
The owner of 5 Adelaide Street (PID# 90213034) applied to enter into a Development Agreement to permit a new storage building intended to support day-to-day operations of the existing grocery store at 107 Main Street. The application requires concurrent amendments to the Land Use Bylaw (LUB) to rezone 5 Adelaide St from Low Density Residential Zone to Secondary Commercial Zone and amendment to the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) to reclassify the same lot from residential to commercial land use designation. Council has approved to move forward with a Public Hearing prior to consideration of the proposed LUB and MPS amendments, and entering into the requested Development Agreement with the landowner.
For more information, visit: https://getinvolvedyarmouth.ca/. You may also contact us by phone at (902)-742-1505 or by email, planningadmin@townofyarmouth.ca. You may also obtain a copy of the Planner’s reports at Town Hall, 400 Main Street.